Taking Responsibility Reduces Inner Confilict

Last evening I was full from a late lunch and thought I’d try passing up dinner.  I sat with my wife, Rita, as she ate.  Eventually I got up and made myself a bread-intensive snack.

I was not happy with myself for eating or for my choice of food.

Over the years, I have become much less harsh on myself and more self-accepting and loving. However,  still I was not pleased with myself. The urge to eat last night wasn’t even that strong.

This morning I realized — I have not made a decision, an intention, a commitment about losing weight and eating properly.

I believe I “should” lose weight. I also believe I should be able to  enjoy eating what I want when I want to.

I have two contradicting beliefs, so no matter what I do, there is in inner conflict.

That inner conflict will continue until either I accept and appreciate the ambiguity of the situation, or I  make a clear, firm inner intention.

For now, I choose to notice when I disapprove of myself for “overeating”,  recognize I haven’t made a commitment to lose weight, and just let go of that disapproval feeling. I  then will be in a position to simply love and accept myself and the situation.   From that positive space it will be easier to move towards making eating and health goals if that is what I choose . 

Who am I?

I have a body and live in the world.

I am Beingness and Transcendent.

It can be confusing. Life can be confusing.

I know that I don’t know. I know nothing.

I know that I do know. I know everything.

Who knows? Who cares?

I care.